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The 3 Levels Of Psychology Inside A Promotional Email

Discover How To Use Psychology To Help People Change Their Behavior (In A Positive Way)

Are Your Promotions Getting Stale?

If you’re like most people, then you probably get a ton of email promotions.

And most of them sound exactly the same, screaming “X% off until Saturday!” with maybe a pretty image you can click.

But that assumes that the reader already wants to buy your product and the discount is just a final incentive.

Which is why most promotions leave a lot of money on the table.

Use Psychology To Increase Sales

First, you can set your promotion apart by giving a reason for it.

A Harvard study found that people respond more positively when we use the word “because”, even when the reason we give might be nonsensical.

Second, there are 3 basic levels that drive human behavior.

So by using all 3 as listed below, you can increase your sales by giving more reasons for the reader to purchase.

Level #1 - Emotion

We all tend to buy with emotion and justify with logic.

And about 60% of people will normally respond to your promotion because of the emotional benefits they receive from purchasing.

So the subject line should get the subscriber excited about what’s inside by mentioning a benefit (and perhaps mixing it with curiosity).

Then the start of your email (and the first link they can click) should get them excited by painting a picture of what their life will look like after they purchase.

Level #2 - Logic

Another 20% of people will be excited about your offer, but need to justify the purchase with logic.

Imagine what they would say to their significant other (or themselves) when the charge shows up on the credit card.

This also means using facts and proof for why their purchase is guaranteed to deliver the emotional benefits you promised in the first level.

Once you’ve justified the likelihood of them attaining the results they desire, you can add another link.

Level #3 - Fear

The final 20% of people are driven by fear, including the fear of missing out (FOMO) on your promotion.

By now you’ve shown what the results will look like and justified their achievement.

At this point we can point out the negative consequences of not taking action.

I like to add this in a P.S. after you’ve signed off, with a final link for them to click.

When Does Persuasion Become Manipulation?

I believe the line can be drawn when we’re trying to manipulate someone into doing something that is not in their best interest.

So if your reader wants to lose weight and you use these persuasion techniques to help them change their behavior to achieve their goal, then great.

But it becomes manipulation if we were trying to get them hooked on drugs, gambling, or a pyramid scheme.

For example, there were probably some external influences that persuaded you to become vegan, but I don’t think you’re complaining that someone manipulated you out of eating animal products.

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