It can be frustrating when your ads aren't bringing in the results you hoped for.
And as much as people make it look easy, it’s not.
No one wants to show the 100+ ads they ran (and failed), including the 100 different angles (that failed), and not to mention, spending thousands of dollars to find the winning ad that's generating most of their revenue.
We’re sharing this article so you don’t end up in this long cycle of testing and losing a lot of money.
The important thing about Google Ads is first realizing that your prospects are searching for a solution (which is great for you)...
But then making your solution stand out as unique.
When they search for something, will your ad stand out and be irresistible for your Ideal Customer to click on?
Or will it say the same thing as everyone else?
Who are your people?
You should already know this answer: this is the key to creating ads that speak their language and get them hooked to your product.
Keep in mind, for customers to make a purchase decision, they need to make a series of other decisions before making a transaction
In the book, The Science of Selling by David Hoffeld shares this idea…
The 6 Whys
Why #1 - Why Change? (Versus doing nothing at all)
Why #2 - Why Now? (Versus waiting to do it later)
Why #3 - Why Your Industry Solution? (Versus other different solutions)
Why #4 - Why You & Your Company? (Versus your competitors)
Why #5 - Why Your Product Or Service? (Versus your other options… if any)
Why #6 - Why Spend The Money? (Versus investing it elsewhere)
So our advertising must speak to these different Whys and try to help our prospects make a buying decision.
You could also think about this as moving people from Cold audiences to Warm and Hot.
Or levels of buyer awareness like Unaware, Problem Aware, Solution Aware, Brand Aware, Product Aware.
We suggest selecting Search Ads with a focus on Conversions, across Google’s Search Network (only) for your vegan offer.
Audience Segments For Vegans
This is the people you want to show your ads to, based on their specific interests, intents and demographics.
In this section you might want to add interests in:
- “Prefers organic food”
- “Vegan”
- “Vegetarian & Vegan”
Remember that your ideal customer has already put their hand up by using the search term so you don’t have to waste precious space confirming what you both already know.
They are already Problem Aware and are looking for Solutions, Brands or Products.
In this section, think about the terms or phrases that your customers would use to describe your vegan products. And remember to refer to your 6 Why’s.
Make sure your keywords directly relate to the theme of your ad and the page you're directing your customers to.
Broad Match: Shows the ad when the keyword is anywhere in the search query e.g. if your keyword is ‘vegan’ then your ad will be shown for ‘vegan supplement, vegan food and ‘why go vegan?’
It also shows close variants e.g. ‘vegan diet’ or synonyms e.g. ‘plant based food (potentially). It should be used carefully for these reasons.
‘Phrase Match’: Shows the ad when the keywords are put in speech marks and used in the same order as you select.
E.g. if your keyword is “vegan food” then your ad will be shown for ‘vegan food on sale’ but not ‘vegan brands for food or ‘food vegan’. It also shows close variants e.g. ‘vegan foods’ but not synonyms.
[Exact Match]: Shows the ad when the keyword is in square brackets and matches exactly with what you're bidding on. E.g. if your keyword is [vegan food] then it will only show for that and not ‘vegan food on sale’.
It will show for close variants and also include any reordering or rephrasing of the term, as long as the meaning doesn’t change. Exact match keywords should form the base of your Google Ads.
Broad Match Modifier (BMM): By using a + before your keyword you can trigger your ad for any search query that contains those keywords.
For example, if you bid on ‘+vegan +food’ then you’ll get anything that contains both ‘vegan’ and ‘food’ like ‘why eating vegan food can boost your gym performance ’.
Below is what you can use to write your Google Ad, using our real examples here at RevLevers.
Final URL
This is the landing page we’ve already built together and you should make sure that when someone clicks on your ad, they know they’re in the right place when they arrive on the page.
Display Path
This is what will be shown on the ad so it often pays to tidy it up and use your page URL as another chance for more ad text. This is the difference between or
The blue Headlines are the most visible so they’re usually the most important for getting your prospects attention. You have 30 characters for Headline 1, 2 and 3 so use them wisely. This is where you should put your biggest benefits or special offer etc.
E.g. Only Paid For Results | Free Growth Strategy | Double Your Revenue In 1 Year
This should support your Headlines and go into further detail about your offer and why it is unique. The Description box allows 90 characters and Google now offers a 2nd Description box for another 90 characters.
Always try to use all the space you’re given.
E.g. You pay a marketing agency for their service while we get paid based on increased revenue.
Start with testing 3 variations of your main ad, as Google suggests.
Google ads should be tested so there’s no tried and true formulas you should be using every time.
Don’t be afraid to test an ad variation because you never know for sure exactly what will work the best.
You could see results in a few days to a week.
Perfection Isn’t The Goal
The job is just to create a bunch of ads to find out what sticks.
So let go of any perfectionism and just start creating some ads so you can rapidly test what works and what doesn’t.
The more ads you launch using the principles you’ve learned, the better you’ll do.
Plus you’ll be able to remarket to people who click but don’t respond just yet so you’re still building your audience either way.
Test Fast And Often
It’s not very often where we put up an entire campaign and it works perfectly.
Remember that every ad you run is simply a test to see what the market responds to so don’t get emotionally attached to your ads… test fast and often.
Then look at the results, identify the weaknesses in the campaign and improve them.
That way you can fix problems in your campaign and turn it into a winner.