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We Grow Vegan Brands Online

Improve Your Shopify Store & Digital Marketing With Education Based Branding

Want To Challenge The Industrial Food System?

Since vegans are only 1% of the US population, you've got to change consumer behavior if you want to make a difference.

It can feel overwhelming, and I know what it's like to have a great business fail because I didn't know how to market it.

But for over 25 years, I’ve helped multiple companies build successful brands and generate millions in revenue.

And I can help you build a successful vegan brand using Education Based Branding as well.

Get Your Free Digital Brand Plan
  • 1. Book A Call
    Schedule a free call to build your Digital Brand Plan together.
  • 2. First Month Free
    We’ll implement the first month of your Digital Brand Plan for free.
  • 3. Continue To Scale 
    Happy with our work? We continue for $2,000/m (cancel anytime).
Unfortunately, Your Shopify Store Is Leaking Sales

Every visitor that doesn't convert...

Every email that doesn't get opened...

Every piece of content that doesn't get clicked...

Yet, just a handful of sales each day would easily cover our investment (and we can do so much more).

Here’s What Some Of Our Partners Say

“You have been a hugely important support for us over the years and all your hard work is appreciated greatly. 

I am personally very grateful for your ever present support and a can-do attitude every time I called on you for help over the years we've been working together.

As you are well aware, situations change quickly but reputation does not. You have definitely earned a highly respected one with us and any time I can be of any help or referral please never hesitate.”

Eram Saaed

“I am extremely happy, and I have found Craig and his team to be 100% responsive, transparent, strategic and frankly just good  people.

I will say that they are willing to go 100 miles an hour.... as long as I am willing to do that, so that's just something to keep in mind. So as long as I am doing my part, and keeping things on schedule, they have never ever left me hanging. 

I will tell you this, Craig and his team will put you in the best position to get success..... if your product has a real chance of success.”

Afif Ghannoum

“I have been using the services of Craig and his team since 2010 and find them to be a very skilled and professional organization. 

No matter who you work with, they assist with marketing, sort out problems experienced and in fact, any concern I have had. My business would not be where it is today without them and the services they offer.

They are professional, swift in sorting out problems and replying to any queries. Not only this, they teach you the skills to do it yourself. Thank you for helping with the growth of my business.”

Leigh Kelly

Here's What You Can Do Next

Building a vegan brand is hard and it doesn't happen overnight.

But my team and I will accelerate your success and do the heavy lifting for you.

Let me help you to become a digital brand building master.

Request your free Digital Brand Plan and discover how Education Based Branding can help your business grow.